Friday 28th
We had a leisurely walk to the
village of Langdale and bought our
food then came back the pretty
way, and found some lovely green
stones. We stopped at a cottage and
had a very welcome cup of tea--
lemonade for the kids. We saw a
stone quarry and watched the
fascinating machine actually
cutting huge slabs-- we took it to
be granite-- like slices of bread.
As we passed the quarry a man
came out and told us to take shelter
as they were blasting. We waited a
few minutes and heard a loud bang
then we were allowed to come out.
After dinner we went to see
Dungeon Glyll and Alan & J A S C
climbed nearly to the top. It needed
ropes to get all the way-- we saw
several parties all with climbing
gear. Also a coachload of typical
American teenagers!!! Most of
whom were taken with Lindsay
asleep on my lap in the car.
We then drove into Ambleside and
bought a new dog’s lead-- Pippa
had chewed clean through the old
one-- and some tacks for the wind
break-- the shops were almost
closing and we were not able to do
much but saw some lovely things.