Later we met the poor young lad, we
helped him and got an ambulance and
the police (another one) to help him.
They took him back to Dolgarrog
where he said he lived. We then went
off to Lanrwst and found it was market
day, bought what we needed. Alan
bought a crested tea spoon.
We visited the Swallow Falls. What
impressed us most was the dirty water
but quite a sight.
We then drove along a valley with hills
all around and through Betthesda. The
scenery was lovely but spoiled at the
end by slag heaps.
The weather was so wet we decided to
give up and return home which was
fairly uneventful.
The detail that remains most in my
memory is motoring down the M1 at 82
m.p.h. and being passed as if we were
standing still by several oriental
gentlemen in a brand new Rolls-Royce.
