Edwardian photos: People.

This is the grave of Grace Tindall who died on July 19, 1914. She was the youngest daughter of Rev H Woods Tindall MA. I wonder if the lady seen in many of these photos was Grace? Jonathan Brind, June 2008.
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Judging by the other graves she seems to be in a military cemetery perhaps associated with the Queen Victoria War Hospital, possibly in Eastbourne....
Ninety Six Years Ago


The British Journal of Nursing for July 16th has a photograph of Miss S. Grace Tindall of the Cama and Allbless Hospitals, Bombay, with a very interesting little account of her career. Miss Tindall had a wide nursing experience in Egypt before she came to India.



I fear it may be too late to make any alteration, but many nurses have spoken to me of their disapproval of and disappointment at the "Florence Nightingale Memorial Fund" being limited to subscriptions of Re. 1. Every one of my nurses who have subscribed gave several rupees willingly and gladly, but the surplus, of course, had to be returned to them. We can hardly expect Indian and Eurasian nurses, as bodies, to have the love and veneration for our Pioneer that her own country feel.

I am well aware that limitation was considered advisable, so that every one might be able to subscribe, but I think that whilst keeping to the lower limitation of annas 4, the greater might have been left to the wishes of the subscribers. The unfortunate consequence, I fear, will be a small sum total,.very inadequate as representing the nurses of India, many of whom are anxious to show their appreciation of Florence Nightingale's life and work, we hope by following her example as far as may be, but also in giving a larger subscription and so helping to raise a more fitting memorial to her name and memory.

Cama and Allbless Hospital, Bombay.

December 18111,1910

Yours sincerely,

S. Grace Tindall

Grace Tindall, Lady Superintendent of Cama. and Allbless Hospital, Bombay, is the new. President of the Trained Nurses' Associ ...

Grace Tindall has resigned the position. of. Lady Superintendent to the Cama and Albless. Hospitals, Bombay, where she has spent nearly five most arduous years and is home on holiday. Miss Tindall intends to return to India in a few monts time when her health is restored. As trained nurses in India owe her a great debt of gratitude for the keen interest she has taken in the organisation of their National Association of which she is president they are most anxious that she shoul be with them again as soon as possible.

May 31, 1913.