FIGHTING Waltham Forest's rates rise could cost up to £100,000 and must come from the pockets of householders and businessmen.
Although limited donations paid for legal advisers to successfully win the first round in the High Court, the main hearing will be more expensive, says Waltham Forest Ratepayers Action Group.
Now it is appealing for two per cent of contributors' rates, adding: "You will only have yourselves to blame if the action fails through lack of funds."
Letters from chairman Martin Baxter have gone out by the thousand in an effort to persuade local people to pay their share.
There is even a raffle with tickets at 50p for a microwave oven and colour television among the top prizes.
Waltham Forest's Ratepayers' Action Group is warning householders to be on the look out for a gang of phoney collectors claiming to be raising funds for the rates protest.
WFRAG say that con-men have been carrying door-to-door collections using the group's name without their permission.
The group has now issued official collectors with a stamped and numbered pass and they urge householders to ask for identification before handing over any money.