Johnny Walsh, a good friend, who along with Dick Drew was one of the great champions of high quality municipal housing in the London Borough of Waltham Forest.

He was mayor of Leyton and he was also president of the Leyton version of the TSB before the Labour government nationalised it in 1948. That Labour Government did a lot of good but by centralising a lot of services they also made Thatcher's job a lot easier. Many years later he became Mayor of Waltham Forest and he was a stazlwart member of the Co-operative Party as well as the Labour Party.
Mike Cleverley said: "I knew Johnny Walsh when I was a member of Cann Hall Labour Party. He was regarded as a right wing Labour councillor but it was noticeable that he was pleased to see working class people joining the party. We had many lively 'discussions' but I always respected him. He would be turning in his grave to see the proposals for John Walsh Tower and Fred Wigg Tower today."
1987 Jonathan BrindINDEX