INDEX Philip Arnold
Waltham Forest Council related stories
Forest Ward election leaflet 1982
Legal threat from schools chairman Waltham Forest Guardian May 29, 1987
Education attack Waltham Forest Guardian March 11, 1988
Rabble rouser Waltham Forest Guardian March 18, 1988
Labour fighting for its life Waltham Forest Extra July 12, 1988.
Elated Liberal Democrats Waltham Forest Guardian, July 15, 1988
Democrats bubble over with taste of victory Waltham Forest Guardian, July 15, 1988
Problems inner city councils have to face up to Guardian, April 5, 1989
Councillor slept through vital vote Waltham Forest Guardian April 21, 1989
By election agent is being sued for libel Waltham Forest Guardian, June 16, 1989
Ex-councillor on indecency charge Waltham Forest Guardian, August 17, 1990
Philip Arnold was a conundrum, a larger than life character of the type described as living life in the fast lane. Really he was unlucky, a man who in his short life had both intensely good and intensely bad fortune. He was the son of Conservative Councillor Derek Arnold, himself a formidable politician despite the fact that he got pigeon holed as a campaigner for rat running and similar lunatic Tory ideas. Arnold junior reached the dizzy heights of Vice Chair of the Greater London Young Conservatives, usually a pretty good platform from which to launch a campaign for a safe Parliamentary seat. The only Chair of the Greater London Young Conservatives I knew was Tim Smith, who became a Government Minister before he was destroyed by his own cupidity and the Phoney Pharoah. However, at some stage Philip Arnold had some kind of epiphany. It would be easy to speculate about what happened, but in reality I don't know. He left the Conservative Party, where there was very little tolerance for people who were gay in those days and joined the Liberals. A remarkably short time later he is rumoured to have committed suicide because he had Aids. He didn't seem the type to kill himself. He was a fighter. But people always say things like that after suicides, and who knows what dark despair lurked in his soul.
Ex-councillor on indecency charge

A FORMER Waltham Forest councillor and youth worker has been charged with gross indecency in a public toilet in the borough.

Philip Arnold was arrested last week and will appear at Waltham Forest Magistrates Court on September 6.

Mr Arnold, from Forest Gate, was an Alliance councillor for Wood Street until earlier this year. His father is long-standing Tory councillor and former Waltham Forest Mayor Derek Arnold.

Philip Arnold, who now works for Tower Hamlets Council, is a former youth worker with ILEA and founder of the Liberal Democrats' Wood Street Focus newsletter.

Last year he was the agent for the Democrat councillor in the Vauxhall by-election.

Waltham Forest Guardian August 17, 1990

Education attack

A Waltham Forest councillor has launched a scathing attack on the Government's plans to abolish the Inner London Education Authority.

Liberal Democrat deputy leader Philip Arnold said: "it's bad enough having Labour in control of our education in Waltham Forest, with political meetings taking place in school time, masive cuts in adult education, closures of school libraries, and cuts in books and equipment.

"It is unthinkable to give power over to loony boroughs like Hackney and Southwark. The Secretary of State for Education, Kenneth Baker, should think very carefully before giving this power to local political hoodlums."

Waltham Forest Guardian March 11, 1988

Rabble rouser

I READ Councillor Philip Arnold's unnecessary attack in the Waltham Forest Guardian on Labour councillors from Hackney and Southwark with considerable concern.

Councillor Arnold accuses them of being hoodlums. I don't know why he says that or if he has ever met any of them, but I know several of them and can testify that not one fits the description. -- They are all decent, caring and civilised human beings. In fact there are very few councillors I know, including members of his party, who would qualify for the description hoodlum.

There is, however, one councillor who one might call a hoodlum, perhaps. He is the councillor who, during a rate demonstration outside Waltham Forest Town Hall, was trying to stir up the crowd by attacking the Labour council.

This councillor, when he saw a Labour councillor passing by, pointed him out and said: "There is one of them". Fortunately, the demonstrators were far too adult and sensible to take any notice and allowed the Labour member to pass peacefully by.

But who was this rabble rouser? Why, it was Councillor Philip Arnold.

JO BRIND (Cllr).

Waltham Forest Guardian March 18, 1988

Problems inner city councils have to face up to

YES, Tower Hamlets Council was racist, the CRE report said so, and we can agree (Commentary, March 31). The report was written before 1986 and Tower Hamlets was a Labour Authority at the time and its housing allocations policy continued unamended into the new Liberal Democrat Council. But for Melanie Phillips to suggest that things have not moved on since 1986 is a falsehood.

Tower Hamlets Council now has an agreed Equal Opportunities Policy for staffing. The Council now has Black and ethnic minority social workers and interviewing staff. These are new developments following years upon years of Labour rule in the borough.

I don't think that anyone is pretending that the "sons and daughters" policy of allocation of Council homes is not statistically racist. But Tower Hamlets along with other Inner City areas are finding that the only way their young people can obtain somewhere to live is by moving away from the Borough that they have lived in. That is unfair and unjust on those people and needs to be addressed. Of course, what must be pointed out is that the 8,000 Bangladeshi community tenants and their families will also benefit from this policy.

Let us look at some examples of Labour's London racism.

Camden's council's policy of Irish repatriation and the closure of their Homeless Families Unit for over a year hurt Black and ethnic minority clients.

Hackney Council's provision for Black and ethnic minority tenants and their allocations policy still does not stand up to scrutiny.

Hammersmith and Fulham, and Haringey's mismanagement of finances, which in Haringey's case amounts to £52 million that has to be found, have told many Black and ethnic organisations and communities that they will be the first to feel the effects of Council cutbacks.

Islington who look to be ready to abandon its equal opportunities policy because they admit that it doesn't work.And finally my own borough of Waltham Forest who disproportionately house Black and ethnic minority tenants above the fifth floor of tower blocks, ring fence secondary teacher vacancies to existing staff without first addressing their equal opportunities staffing policies and deny significant grant aid to the Pakistani community which is the largest Black and ethnic minority community in the borough.

(Coun) Philip Arnold. Deputy Leader, Waltham Forest SLD.

Guardian, April 5, 1989

By election agent is being sued for libel

WALTHAM Forest councillor Philip Arnold is being sued for libel by the Labour Party.

As agent for the Democrat candidate in yesterday's (Thursday) Vauxhall by-election, Mr Arnold was responsible for a campaign leaflet which, it is alleged, libelled the Labour candidate, Kate Hoey.

Mr Arnold is being sued along with the Democrat candidate Mike Tuffrey.

The Democrats are being sued for publishing an article in the leaflet in connection with a case of a baby who died in 1987. Ms Hoey was a Southwark councillor at the time and was involved in the vote for a public inquiry or internal inquiry.

Mr Dobson said Ms Hoey followed council policy-- which followed Department of Social Security guidelines-- when she voted for an internal inquiry.

Mr Arnold was unavailable for comment as the Guardian went to press.

Waltham Forest Guardian, June 16, 1989

In 1982 Philip Arnold stood in Forest Ward along with Dorothy Punshon's son in law (and former Forest branch member) Peter Leighton. Peter Leighton used his legal knowledge to pursue a case against Digger O'Flanagan over the Liberal Club, Dane Court in Church Hill, Walthamstow. The club was being claimed by Digger and his band of renegade real Liberals. It never re-opened after the legal action.

See also Derek Arnold