press index
harassment index See 62 per cent rate rise
London Borough of Waltham Forest


April 18, 1987.

Dear Nell Gerrard,

I thought you might be interested in the following.This morning a shopkeeper who said he runs the vacuum cleaner shop inLea Bridge Road (a fact I can confirm,because he has a very distinctivedoor chime and I heard it go off during the conversation) phoned to checkout the dates and times for the Forest ward surgery. He told me he wasa committee member of the campaign against the rates, though subsequentlyhe backed down on this and said there wasn't really a committee.

I asked him how we could get in touch with the campaign and he said throughChingford Chamber of Commerce at 26a Woodstock Terrace, though he alsosaid the focus had shifted slightly to Walthamstow Trade & Commerce inHoe Street. He also said that donations were being made in various waysincluding through building societies.

He is a reasonable person (I know I've spoken to him in the past, thoughhe doesn't know my name) and he emphasised that many of the people whodemonstrated outside the town hall were decent ordinary hard working people.

However, he is convinced that his own business will not long survive therate increase (he reckons it will shut down in two years time when thelease runs out) so perhaps he could be described as a worried man.

I am certain that he was not involved in any great illegality but it ispossible he may know someone who could give information.

Further, you have no doubt received an anonymous list of addresses of councillors from the campaign. This I take to be an indication that more people will be contacting me on theissue in future. Anyway even if you didn't get one I got one.

Yours sincerely,

Jo Brind