press index
harassment index See 62 per cent rate rise

London Borough of Waltham Forest

L. G. Knox, Chief Executive
Town Hall, Walthamstow, London E17 4JF 01-527 5544Ext.4219

Please quote ret, CE/ IDG/ em



14th April, 1987

Dear Member,


You will be aware of a serious incident involving an attack upon thehome of the Leader of the Council. In addition, there have been numerousthreats which the Police have advised are to be taken seriously.

I have agreed with the Police that we should establish a procedure forexchanging information relating to such matters on a daily basis and forthis purpose I have asked Mr. lan Goldsworthy (Extn. 4219) to act asco-ordinator between the Council and the Police. (Ms. S. M. Cuming, (Extn.4268) or Mr. D. Burgh (Extn. 4581) will act in his absence).

In the circumstances, therefore, I should be grateful if you wouldreport to Mr. Goldsworthy any information, however trivial or improbable itmay seem, which may come to your notice. Where more urgent action wouldappear to be required however, you should not hesitate to contact the Policethrough the *'999 procedure".

I look forward to your co-operation in this matter.,___

Yours sincerely,