McGuffin's Film & TV Society

McGuffin's Film & TV Society letters

McGuffin's is the film and tv society at the EMD cinema in Hoe Street, Walthamstow (close to the junction with High Street & Church Hill). It has been set up to show foreign language films (with sub titles) at the old Granada on Friday evenings.

Adrian.C.Stannard; Waltham Forest Civic Society
Neil Gerrard; MP for Walthamstow
Richard Gray; Chair, Cinema Theatre Association
Letter from Germany about the Granada in the 1960s

From: "Adrian.C.Stannard"

Subject: RE: McGuffinstuff

Date: Sat, 3 Mar 2001 18:15:10 -0000

(feel free to include this on your web site)

On behalf of Waltham Forest Civic Society we are very concerned that one of the few listed buildings in the borough is in danger; partly due to its previous owner restricting its use and by Council policy to develop a new cinema close by in Selbourne Walk.

There is a real danger of the new library building endangering two existing listed buildings - the existing Central library being forced to be an arts centre and the EDM cinema being put out of business because of unfair competition.

We urgently want to the see the Council adopt some joined up thinking and try and develop Walthamstow in an holistic way and this includes finding a long term use for the Cinema. If the EDM is not going to be viable as a Cinema it would be far better as an Arts Centre which could also include a venue for "art house" films leaving the old Central Library building to be developed in a more appropriate way - maybe an art gallery/cafe.

We wholeheartedly support your campaign to show alternative films as a way of safeguarding this important Walthamstow landmark.

Adrian Stannard

Day: 020 7778 4034
Evening: 020 8521 4400
Fax: 020 7778 4035
Civic Society:

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Dear Jo

Thanks for your letter about the cinema.

As you may know I have spoken to Mr Sharma myself about the conditions Odeon attached to the sale. I have also written about this to the Office of Fair Trading and am waiting for a reply from them. The suggestion you made of a film club at the old Granada showing films on Friday evenings, is an excellent idea.

I think it would be popular and successful. I would be happy to support it in any way I can.

I can't honestly think of any obvious source of seed corn financing. I assume you will have discussed this with the council's economic development department, who should know of any local sources at least, and probably beyond that.

I would be glad to be a supporting member, although I'm not clear who the cheque should be made out to. Let me know.

Also if there is anything I can do in terms of trying to influence Odeon if that is necessary I would be glad to help.

Please let me know what develops and if there is anything specific I might help with.

Yours sincerely,

Neil Gerrard MP for Walthamstow

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Dear Katie

It was good to make contact with you this afternoon at the EMD cinema.

It is really splendid that you have started a campaign in response to the ABC pulling out of the Granada, and that you are proposing 'alternative' films there. It is a wonderful opportunity for silent films with organ accompaniment. We successfully put on The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (with Wurlitzer) at the Free Trade Hall in Manchester a few years ago; it was, as you will know, the original purpose of these instruments to accompany silent pictures as an alternative to an orchestra.

As I said during our brief chat, I spoke to Maev Kennedy (arts correspondent of The Guardian) about Odeon's restrictive covenants-- she said she would write an article about the case together with the similar situation at a cinema in Bristol. I'm not certain whether the article has appeared yet. As I also said, Radio 4's 'Front Row' programme have shown interest, although they wanted proof that it is a national trend and not just to particular localities.

I hope you can persuade your local MP to take the case up as a parliamentary question. We have Gerald Kaufman as one of our patrons, although he hasn't been particularly forthcoming in the past when I have asked him to help with cinema problems I could approach him if you thought he might add weight to that of your MP's. Perhaps you could let me know your opinion?

I return the completed membership form, together with a cheque for Supporting Membership (my personal cheque but really on behalf of the Assocation). I also enclose information about the Cinema Theatre Association, English Heritage's booklet produced for the recent cinema listing survey in which the Granada is mentioned, and, at the risk of appearing somewhat commercial, a flyer for my book Cinemas in Britain and there is a reference to the Granada in that as well. You can obtain it through public libraries.

Please do keep us in touch with developments.

Yours sincerely,

Richard Gray

Chair, Cinema Theatre Association

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Date sent: Sun, 27 May 2001 20:08:54 +0200

From: (Peter Wilson)

Subject: EMD Cinema, Hoe Street

The Internet has given me a contact with the old Granada Cinema where I was employed during the early sixties. My name is Peter Wilson and I live in Hamburg, Germany. At the beginning of the sixties, I was employed by the Cinema manager, Ralph Papworth, as a musician. He wanted to found a Rock group that could be as good as Sounds Incorporated, a well known top group at the time. I saw and worked at most of the road shows you have listed, as well as the famous P J Proby appearance, where Ralph Papwoth closed the curtain on him.I met the Beatles, Brian Epstein etc. and worked the four channel sound mixer for many shows. If you need any first hand info on the old Granada at that time period (and a few anecdotes !) then let me know. Maybe you can tell me where I can obtain photos of the interior and exterior of the Cinema as well as the history.I had many moving personal experiences at this building, as well as playing as a rock guitarist at many Walthamstow locations.At the time, I was living in Highams Park, but my parents were born and bred in Walthamstow. I would certainly like to support your efforts in preserving this fine building.

Greetings from Germany,

Peter Wilson


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