
We spent a very hairy four hours in Brunei, visiting amongst other places the magnificent Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque, full of English glass and Italian marble, where Katy had to play hopscotch to get across the prayer mats after we accidentally entered by a side door (left ajar to provide a welcome cooling breeze through the building).
In Brunei we ate in a rather wonderful cafe, where they served some marvellous mango flavoured ice, see picture of Katy, left.
One of the main forms of transport in Brunei is the river taxis. These highly mobile boats seem to speed about in quite mad ways. We went to the side of the water and immediately attracted about five of them plying for hire. On the far side of the water you can see houses on stilts.
Katy phoning her mother to find out if she had become an Aunty.
We wondered if this might be a Shinto temple. Whatever it was I managed to amuse a guy who appeared to be the top man inside, when I accidentally clonked a dog that had been running about inside the temple, on the head. We didn't actually set foot inside the temple. It seemed rude to go in there.
Aboriginals Cadell Ferry Diary