The Sunday Times scoops press awards

The Sunday Times scooped the pool at the year's WA media awards presented by Premier Geoff Gallop on Friday night.

Reporter John Flint won the prestigious Arthur Lovekin Prize in Journalism, presented by the University of Western Australia for his series of articles on alleged corruption in the building industry.

The judges said Flint's articles, beginning on July 16, 2000, had brought a matter of local and national concern into sustained public scrutiny with the issure being followed up "energetically, in a clear and detailed way, over a lengthy period of time".

Reporter Gary Adshead won the AJA Sports Prize for his reports on feuds within the management of Perth Glory soccer club and the decision by the club not to move to a new stadium as part of the convention centre deal.

Adshead was also highly commended in the AJA Print News Prize section for his story on hostels in Perth putting children's safety at risk.

The Clarion Award winner for the greatest contribution to the industry in WA during the year went to The Sunday Times sub editor Martin Saxon, a former branch president of the Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance.

The Sunday Times reporter Kim Macdonald was highly commended for her sensitively written investigative report "Walking a mile in Aborigine's shoes", and photographer Jody D'Arcy was highly commended in the Best Newcomer section for her thoughtful and engaging pictures especially a series on people facing change in the forst industry.

Broadcaster and The Sunday Times columnist Liam Bartlett won the AJA Radio Prize for coaxing a government whistle blower to reveal, on his ABC 720 show, details of the Ombudsman's office computer project. The Ombudsman later resigned.

Other winners included Victoria Laurie of The

Australian, another News Ltd publication, who took out the AJA Feature prize for her work on refugeres in detention centres sent to Perth on a bus with $160 in their pocket.

Megan Lewis, also of The Australian, was highly commended for her picture of an emu walking through the Pinnacles in the Photograph Prize.

The Perth Press Club-Post Newspaper Suburban Newspaper Prize was awarded to Fiona Adolph, who worked for Perth Weekly.

The overall Gold Daily News Centenary Prize was awarded to Chris Johnson of the Geraldton Guardian. Johnson, who also won the Perth Press Club Country Prize and the AJA Print News Award, last month won a national Walkley Award for excellence in journalism.

The Sunday Times, Perth, December 9, 2001.

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