Rottnest Island

So called because early visitors erroneously thought the local marsuipials, small wallabies called Quokkas, were rodents. Hence the name: rats' nest. Cycling is the most sensible way to get around Rottnest, which is very similar to the Channel Island of Sark but about the size of Jersey.Quokkas are mostly very friendly, even though the local youth have a habit of celebrating the end of their final school year by descending on the island in vast numbers and are supposed to do vile things to the Quokkas. According to the locals the Schoolies play football with Quokkas as balls.
For some reason the Quokkas like to suck bicycle chain grease. Perhaps it supplements something in their diet? Either that, or having had the schoolies descend on the island a few days earlier, these animals were unhinged!

While we were on the island we talked about taking a light aeroplane guided tour. It was a fairly cheap thing to do, but I found cycling round the island exhausting, so we went and had an American muffin instead. We also saw a helicopter making its way onto the island. We now think that was called to rescue people who had taken the plane trip!

Crash on Rottnest
Katy in the Indian Ocean off Rottnest. It was cold!
Pinnacles Aboriginals Cadell Ferry Diary