INDEX 26 October 2009
Flight of a Century
I got up at a ridiculous time, the early part of the night, and drove to a military airbase in Manchester for the test flight of the replica of A V Roe's plane. It was an incredible day. Making this video involved several trips to Manchester.

Engineering and cycling enthusiast Alliott Verdon-Roe dreamt of becoming the first Englishman to create and fly a powered aircraft. At the age of 32 (in July 1909) he became the first Britain to fly an all British machine in Britain. It was the birth of one of the great names in British aviation (AVRO) and the start of the British aerospace industry. This five minute version is an excerpt from the story of the attempt to re-enact that flight a century later. The music on the video is from Living Room by Christoph Pepe Auer and Manu Delago. Shepherd Videos
26 October 2009INDEX