May 22, 2010INDEX
Videoed demo on law to ban wearing of veil in Belgium. Small but passionate demo, segregated (a fence was erected between the men and the women). Since it was about the veil, I spent a fair amount of time videoing the women (who were wearing them) but was told I could only video the men's side! Still, it made me feel proud to be British when I heard a similar demo arranged in France had been banned...

Video of similar (though earlier) demo. No idea what happened to the video of the 2010 demo, though I remember it had an interesting history. On the day I posted it on Youtube (no more than 24 hours after the demo) it got a huge number of views. However, I made a mistake identifying a flag, so I stupidly revised it. The new version only got a derisory number of views.
INDEX May 22, 2010 Jonathan Brind