Monday January 31, 2014 INDEX

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Moth eaten flag and battered clock tower, Eastbourne is having problems keeping up appearances.

Martin James
Lunch with Martin James in Eastbourne: the rain was enough to soak you if you stood in it for any time or went near the sea and the wind could almost knock you down.

In the high street there was a remarkably good busker called Slim Lightfoot

Most of the shops seemed to be charity run. There are so many that the charities are creating new retail niches.

The Weatherspoon pubs were heaving with customers. We couldn't get into one so went to another where we probably only got a table because the kitchen was only operating a limited menu.

But on Grand Parade was nearly empty. Not surprising really because it was more Hercule Poirot than Jacques Brel.
Jonathan Brind
January 31, 2014