18 January 2016 | INDEX |
Ta ta Tata! Ta ta Tata! My old acquaintance Ian MacGregor, no friend of mine, just one of many who have attempted (and failed) to instill fear in me, would be pleased. He used to say he liked a factory you could shoot a double barrelled shotgun through. In other words one with no workers. Well the former British Steel chairman would now find that there are whole valleys with few working people and things are still getting worse thanks to Tata's redundancies. MacGregor had some curious ideas about shooting. A keen killer of ducks, he said he didn't take a gun dog but a six pack of Coca Cola, giving a can to the boy (in other words black child) who fetched the carcass. Not a nice man, even when he put a paper bag on his head! |
18 January 2016 | INDEX |