Sunday, 12 February, 2017
Dyslexic play by Sam Rapp Click for Audio version of this play.
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Two main characters

Mark aged 16 creative he dresses differently which gets him into trouble and he loves art, his parents don't encourage any creativity, his father works in a supermarket warehouse, his mother doesn't work, she suffers with mental health. They have limited funds and don't recognise their sons struggles, they both want him to achieve academically as they didn't.

Mrs Meades in her 40s English teacher and very strict on discipline no excuses approach.

Mark is sitting in class

The other children are throwing paper at him

Tom ( class brain box)..

ha, ha Mark, its your favourite subject reading and writing

Mrs Meades

Nouns, verbs, adjectives. It's grammar today. Hand in your home work and we'll discuss in groups.

claps her hands


Sorry, I need to go to the loo.

...stares into space as if in a panic he sweats and is inwardly distressed

Mrs Meades

What's wrong with you? Why didn't you go before class? You have permission to leave once you have answered the question.


I'm really sorry, I need to go.

He can't even read ha ha ha ha

The class are smirking

Whispering amongst themselves

The weirdo

You know bit thick

Have you seen the way he wears his hair

How does he get away with those trousers???

Mrs Meades (frustrated)

If you must, then go; but I want an answer when you return. Is that clear?


Yes Miss. Sorry Miss.


Mrs Meades

So good of you to return. What is your answer?

Seconds seem like hours. He sweats and puts his head down.

Mrs Meades

We really can't wait any longer. Tom, what's the answer?


A noun is a name, an object or some kind of being.

Mrs Meades

Right, well done.

Mark returns.

Mrs Meades

Welcome back, Mark. Since you're here now you can explain what a verb is?


Not really sure. It's something you do, isn't it?

The class stare and snigger. The laughter gets louder and louder

Mrs Meades

Not quite… Right handwriting and spelling tests, reading as well. I hope you have all done your homework (looks at Mark). I'm going to pass the sheets round. It goes without saying that Tom's work is excellent. A star. Jack very good, B. In fact you should all be proud of yourself.

Mrs Meades

But Mark you're not working hard enough. You're not concentrating. Your spelling is well below what it should be for someone of your age. I will be speaking to your parents. Your reading seems to be poor and slow. You need to concentrate. Focus more.


Yes Miss, sorry I struggled.

Class sniggers

Mrs Meades

It was a simple handwriting test. Your writing is appalling.

Mark trembles. He rushes to the loo. When he returns they are working in groups and Mark looks around but can not find a group he can join.

Mrs Meades

Read the text.

Pointing at Mark


The car was parked in the parked park car park

Mrs Meades

Don't you mean the car was parked in the car park? Is that right Jack? Caroline?

Mrs Meades laughs, then the class follows

Caroline (with sarcastic smile)

Of course, Miss.

Mrs Meades

Mark, you need to concentrate. Focus! What is wrong with you? You will never amount to anything if you don't try harder.

Class laughter. ‘Stupid, thick.'


I want to be an actor.


Mrs Meades

You have to be able to read properly. You need to go to the careers advice officer.


I can act and I can learn a script. It's a story and when I take part I become the person I'm acting.


Brenda (careers advisor)

Acting is a chaotic and difficult calling. You need to be able to read and write, but I'm told your English is poor.


But I like acting. I'm in a drama group and they think I'm good at it and could make a career.


Well it's nice that you're working with such supportive people. But you might want to do something more practical, at least as a fall back. Perhaps you could do an apprenticeship working in the box office or as a stage assistant?


I don't want to do that. I want to be an actor.


It's wonderful to have dreams but in the real world we have to accept what is practical. Until your basic skills, your English improves you'd better set your sights a bit lower. To be an actor you need to learn lines and you have to be on time, and you've been far from that at school lately.


So I can't be an actor?


Well, not right now. Perhaps one day when you pass some exams. You're going to need a grant or sponsorship to attend an acting school. Places like RADA will only take the very best.


I don't need all that to audition. I can be a bank robber,or an astronaut just like that. I don't need qualifications.


I hope you are right but in the real world you have to be practical. You have to earn a decent living so that you can feed yourself and keep a roof over your head.

Mark (gutted realises the world is against his dreams)

I could have been an Eastender!

INDEX Sunday, 12 February, 2017