Wednesday December 12, 2018INDEX
'Government funded campaign' to trash Corbyn
A government funded anti Corbyn campaign is being waged on social media, according to a post by Emily Thornberry MP on the Labour Party web site dated December 9, 2018.

The original source for the story is a shadowy organisation called Several Scottish newspapers have reported on the story.

It is hard to find out much about CyberGuerilla but the World Socialist Web Site in a report about anti Corbyn campaigns, dated December 11, 2018, complains about blacking by Google. It's possible this applies to CyberGuerilla. Facebook seems to make it difficult if not impossible to track down CyberGuarilla's presence on its service.

As long ago as July 22, 2016, Len McCluskey, general secretary of Britain's biggest trade union, Unite, warned that intelligence services were targeting Jeremy Corbyn in "dark practices" designed to "stir up trouble".

The Guardian asked him again if he believed that classified documents would eventually reveal the involvement of security forces in Corbyn's leadership difficulties and he replied: "Well I tell you what, anybody who thinks that that isn't happening doesn't live in the same world that I live in."

Posted by Jonathan Brind.
Wednesday December 12, 2018INDEX