Thursday January 30, 2020
Usman Khan, the terrorist the spooks
were too busy to stop
Case Study: Usman Khan
Usman Khan was a terrorist, tried and convicted of plotting to blow up the stock exchange in London. Among other things he set up a terror training centre in Pakistan.

In 2012 he was sentenced to 16 years imprisonment but only served half, being released under licence in December 2018. Less than a year later he was on the streets of London, plannning to commit another terrorist atrocity using the latest methods (not sophisticated equipment which is too easy to track but simply knives and sheer bloody mindedness). He killed Jack Merritt (aged 25) and Saskia Jones (aged 23) at an University of Cambridge Institute of Criminology event at London Bridge.

Usman Khan clearly left home intent on causing mayhem because he was wearing what police describe as a hoax suicide vest. He also had on a GPS tag so the security services knew exactly where he was at all times.

"We can only legally monitor someone if there is clear intelligence that they are doing something of concern," a spook spokesman told the Financial Times. This is a lie. A whopping lie. Edward Snowden who was employed by a defence analyst but attached to the National Security Agency (NSA) the American secret services, leaked a vast quantity of material in 2013 that showed what the "intelligence" services were doing. In a documentary, titled Citizenfour, Snowden explained that we are all monitored and that things are worse in the UK than in the USA.

In reality, had the spooks wished to they could not only have monitored all Khan's communications (his emails, text messages, conversations at home, post and social media) and stopped anything they didn't like. They could also have used the information they gleaned to psychologically profile him and work out the likelihood of an attack.

The spooks may have decided they had to lie because a report by the UK's former reviewer of terrorism legislation David Anderson determined they were at fault by failing to prevent the 22 deaths in the Manchester Arena bombing. Anderson also pointed out that the leader of the previous London Bridge attack in 2017 Khuram Butt, was being investigated yet had not been stopped.

Sources Financial Times December 2, 2019.
Independent December 2019
Posted by Jonathan Brind.
Thursday January 30, 2020