Monday February 3, 2020
Tale of a cat
I had never seen the cat before. It was thin and elegant and a sort of pastel orange without actually being ginger. It looked like some strange new type of pedigree cat of which I was previously unaware. And it was desperately trying to pick up, in a way that mother cats grab their kittens, a second cat lying stone dead on the road.

I knew the dead cat alright. He was one of those promiscuous types, who try to get food from as many households as they can.

He'd been in my house the day before and I'd offered him some food. He ate a mouthful or two and was then scratching at my front door, asking to leave. Evidently my cat food wasn't of high enough quality. I have a policy of feeding hungry cats but only with the poorest food so that no-one can accuse me of stealing their cat, if anyone can own a cat. A cat takes that takes my food does so because they can't get fed anywhere else.

When I opened the door the cat bolted straight under a parked van and across the road, without looking for traffic. I yelled 'look out' but clearly he wasn't listening to me.

That time he was lucky but this morning the luck ran out. A neighbour brought a towel and I wrapped the cat and carried him to the side of the road. He felt like a weird combination of string and jelly.

A second neighbour arranged to take the body to a vet so that they could check if he had been chipped.

Meanwhile, the orange cat sniffed the ground where the second cat had died.
Posted by Jonathan Brind.
Monday February 3, 2020