INDEX Tuesday May 11, 2021
Will the trees save us (well no they won't)
According to the Trillion Trees project, no I hadn't heard about them before either, almost 59 million hectares of forests have grown back worldwide since the turn of the millennium. TT helps put this into some context (most of us can not imagine 59 million trees) by saying this is an area the size of France.

Re-forestation is a fairly controversial area with some saying that it is much more effective in northern climes than in the south (so the Amazon is said to be at best carbon nuetral). The sheer existence of more trees doesn't necessarily help. The trees have to be in the right places.

However, all this doing clever (essentially back of an envelope) sums about CO2 misses the point. It doesn't matter what the targets are, what the pledges to reduce emissions may be or what the scientists calculate. The single, very simple figure is the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.

And that keeps on rising remorselessly: despite the new forests the size of France, the Paris agreement and all the rest of the meaningless chatter in the press.

The following data comes originally from the Mauna Loa CO2 monitoring station and is unusual in the world of Climate Change, in that it is unfiltered. What you see is what they discovered and has not been refined in any way, probably.

Posted by Jonathan Brind.
Sunday May 9, 2021