INDEX Monday August 23, 2021
Popup nightmare even in Linux
I use Linux because it is supposed to be hack free. Well up to a point. However, lately when I boot up I get this popup telling me my hard drive is about to fail.

This doesn't bother that much because I use cheap, old HDDs and so I backup regularly. A failure is not going to be a disaster. But I'm suspicious of this popup. It only occurs when I switch on the machine.

It doesn't pop up when I'm driving the HDD hard or at any other time. I wonder, when I click am I actually clicking for something I'd rather not do? So I find out how to get rid of the popup without clicking (believe it or not you have to click on the clock).

Still coming up every time I open the computer as at October 22, 2021. There still doesn't seem to be anything actually wrong with the hard drive.
Then when I get into Chrome and load up FB I get another weird popup, this one informing me that my right to react to posts has been temporarily suspended.

Now leave alone the poor quality grammar (which suggests I'm being hacked by an idiot since suspended means temporary so temporarily suspended is tautology), why would Fb limit my right to react? It lives and breathes on reactions. That's what it is all about. So I don't click.

My Chrome should be super secure, since apart from the fact that I'm running it in Linux, I got a Titan key to stop anyone else but me getting into my account. Nevertheless, I closed it and went into Firefox, an eccentric browser which clearly is not as good as Chrome yet I have a soft spot for it.

How sad is that? Having a soft spot for a browser.

I get into Facebook and exactly the same popup stops me in my tracks again. This can not be right. So I give up on the consumer friendly browsers and go into Tor, an extremely secure browser. This time when I load up Facebook, no popup.
Monday August 23, 2021