17 May, 2022
Bat shit crazy but making some good points
David Shayler is allegedly a former intelligence officer who blew the whistle on a covert operation designed to use al-Qaeda to assasinate former President Muammar Gaddafi.

Shayler's name came up in my feed from Google of mentions of MI5 on the internet, today. His solution is to love your neighbour and grow your own vegetables. In other words he's a prepper.

I have no particular views about loving your neighbour, but the last time we all grew our own vegetables the population of the UK was a lot less than five million, and many people went hungry a lot of the time. Today the population is about 70 million and God doesn't seem to have got round to producing a lot more arable land.

An old video in which Shayler appears to be saying some very different things.
In other words he's bat shit crazy and of course he comes out with the usual round of conspiracy theories, plus one or two I hadn't heard before.

The natural way to deal people like Shayler is to ignore them, lock them up or in extreme cases make them minor tv celebrities.

Getting back to the original plot to assasinate Gaddafi, he attempted to convince Robin Cook, who was Foreign Secretary at the time, that this was happening. Now I know little about Cook, a man I generally respect, but one thing I do know is that he did not believe that al-Qaeda even existed. Cook ignored Shayler, probably imagining he was just another crazy.

But Shayler makes some interesting points. What, for example, happened to the black boxes of the planes involved in the 9-11 attacks? Where are the air traffic investigations?

Some will say that even to ask these questions is completely bonkers. What does it matter? We all saw the planes hit the buildings.

Maybe, but if it is all transparent and obvious where are those black boxes?