June 1, 2022INDEX
I bought a cheap but nice looking laptop intending to convert it from Windows to Linux but it has turned out to be the most stubbornly Windowscentric machine I have ever encountered, despite the fact that the bios offers a legacy option.

So I have given up and am about to renew my acquaintanceship with Windows. Last time I used the accursed system it was necessary to buy anti virus software and I am up for that. However, the anti virus software I got proved to be more virus like than any virus it actually spotted. When it came to getting rid of it, it was more persistent than bindweed or Japanese Knot Weed.

Can anyone advise on friendly anti virus software that puts you rather than itself in control? It would also be nice if it had a cuddly but effective firewall, since my experience with the Windows firewall (admittedly some years ago) was that it was no bloody use at all.
INDEX June 1, 2022 Jonathan Brind