INDEX August 8, 2022
MI5 plays pass the password
I am using Chrome because I have found this system to be the least susceptible to attack by the vile creatures of the internet, notably MI5.

However, I am moving soon so I have closed my broadband account and am using the Medway Library wifi. It's a good system, but unfortunately Medway prevents you from using a VPN, making even Chrome highly vulnerable to cyber attack. So this is what I am getting when I try to log into Gmail using
the Gmail app on Chrome.Now Chrome is a Google system and you have to log into Google to use it at all. So this popup (a favourite device of the vile creatures that inhabit the darker regions of the internet) makes no sense: unless you read it carefully.

The hackers do not want me to log into my Gmail account, they want me to log into a new one. If I do that it will cause me all sorts of problems with Google ceasing to trust the password on my current Google account.

Believe me that is not a road you want to go down even if you use a Titon security key like I do. The solution, well there probably isn't one; except it is possible to access Gmail via the Chrome browser and that does work sometimes, though even there the popup attack still occurs sometimes.

All this is rather childish.

It is designed to cause me a nuisance. But that's what MI5 really does. It doesn't catch spies or prevent the Chinese stealing our secrets: it plays childish tricks.
Jonathan Brind
August 8, 2022