INDEX August 11, 2022
'You will be happier if you give up your privacy'
In America the right to privacy is supposed to be enshrined in the constitution but American spooks think you would be a lot happier if you just forgot about all that.
Andrew Bustamante, a self described former CIA agent, told Lex Fridman on his podcast, that today privacy was impossible. And from the spooks point of view, it isn't even desirable.

The idea that there is personal privacy is "laughable, you have no privacy". People should give up worrying about privacy because it is impossible to achieve.

"Think of all the anxiety you could solve if everybody just accepted that," he told Lex Fridman.

Fridman reluctantly agreed telling the story of how when he was a Phd student he developed key logging software as part of a project, and was then astonished when he went into the offices of CEOs and found that they had not even bothered to log out of their computers.

Key logging allows an interloper to discover exactly what a computer user is up to at any moment.

Andrew Bustamante argued that the nation's security was too important to allow ordinary people to be in the driving seat.

"The general mass community shouldn't have a say in what happens in the intelligence community," he said. "They really shouldn't."

He was particularly concerned that the effectiveness of the National Security Agency had been reduced as a result of the outcry caused by the Snowden revelations.

Apparently you can trust the spooks because they are not interested in your politics, or whether you pay your taxes; they simply want to track down and deal with those who threaten national security. This was not Annie Machon's view when she worked for MI5.

Even if they did start to gather information about subversives, or people with views hostile to the government, there was nothing they could do with the data since the American courts would not take action and there was no secret police force in the USA.
In Britain we already have a secret police force called MI5 who don't need court orders to punish anyone the powers that be don't like. Sir John Sawers (Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6), from November 2009 until November 2014) on Radio 4's Today Programme (2021 04 19) reveals that they disrupt and harass anyone they feel like picking on, without using any judicial process.

Andrew Bustamante must have the strangest business model in the world: he wants to use spying techniques to promote health and wellbeing. If you are interested try
For the record in the United States the fourth amendment protects the right of privacy against unreasonable searches and seizures by the government. The Fifth Amendment: Provides for the right against self-incrimination, which justifies the protection of private information. The ninth amendment is interpreted as a broad support for the earlier privacy supporting amendments.
Andrew Bustamante: CIA Spy on the Lex Fridman podcast 310.
Jonathan Brind
August 11, 2022