INDEX October 6, 2022
Investigatory Powers Tribunal
I am making a complaint to the Investigatory Powers Tribunal about the harassment campaign being waged against me. I do not expect much success. However, I have been astonished today trying to print out a document I have prepared. My efforts were sabotaged by some hacker. Now many people think I use old fashioned equipment and it breaks down because it is antiquated. In fact, I bought the laptop I was using less than a fortnight ago (brand new) and the printer (which I also bought new) is about a year old. The printer has been wonderful so far and prior to trying to print out the document for the tribunal, my test page went through without a hitch. Not the document itself though. That came up as all blank pages. When I got the printer to produce anything, it started half way through the document and the text was almost at the end of the page. So useless. I eventually succeeded by switching to another computer I have that is mostly offline. My point, apart from the dashing of my forlorn hope that moving to Cumbria would stop the attacks, is that these people are supposed to be good old boys, public school types (though they may not actually have gone to Eton) who twist the law but will obey the strict letter of it. Surely, they must recognise that it is legitimate to complain about their behaviour? Will the complaint get there? The security services often intercept the post. In fact they joke about people who are stupid enough to use the regular post. Well, we will see.
Jonathan Brind
October 6, 2022