INDEX October 15, 2022
Hackers won't stop even when they are outed
A while back I posted a number of times about hackers getting into and damaging my Gmail account. What they were doing was deleting emails so that either I had no record of them or I was even unaware I'd even been sent them.

If you remember this you probably thought it was all over long ago, either it stopped or I was just paranoid and it was some glitch that came to an end. Not a bit of it.

The hacks continue. Today the issue was preventing an email I was attempting to send from being sent and so retained in the sent file.

Not a major issue for highly paid (and presumably highly educated) computer experts, but extremely annoying all the same.

There is no doubt that this was a hack because as you can see the same IP address was used for the top two entries and yet one has no browser details. I use a VPN so my IPN changes virtually every time I log on.

I never use a command line interface (the only way the browser column could be empty) for the simple reason that I haven't got a clue how to do this (though I have heard about software that you can use in Linux that enables you to do this, but now I'm using Chrome).

So someone has hacked in and left a trail.

And what for? What I was trying to do was book a craftsman to come and fit locks on internal doors. Of what possible interest could that be to anyone?

And yet you are having to pay for this!
Jonathan Brind
October 15, 2022