INDEX February 23, 2023
Chinese ridicule British spooks
This is about half a video released by the Chinese taking the Mickey out of James Bond, surprising because I would have said Bond was beyond parody. But there you go..

You can catch the second half of the video on the Guardian web site or on the Daily Mail web site.

The video is supposed to be funny but it is really cringe making, though I think I would probably say the same thing about a James Bond film if I ever watched one. It is surprising that China, which has a huge film industry, can not do better.

But even more surprising is the fact that Richard Moore, head of MI6, issued a statement thanking China for the publicity. This is what you call putting a brave face on, since MI6's number one priority is secrecy (they hate to be in the limelight) and 007 bears absolutely no resemblance to anyone who has ever worked for the spooks.
Jonathan Brind
February 23, 2023