INDEX March 31, 2023
Rich Pickings
Went to see Rich Hall at one of the Millom theatres (the Beggar's). The place was heaving and outside there were notices warning that if you haven't booked in advance you won't get in.

I think there must have been at least 400 people, perhaps more, proving that if you are all over tv like a rash (as he is) you can draw a crowd away from the Netflixes and Amazons.

Hall has the manner of being a bit of a wild character, but like George Formby, the manner belies the man. He was actually pretty gentle with the audience.

It was interesting that he made jokes about, among other things, private health care, a subject that is becoming worryingly familiar to many in the audience.

The consummate professional, he kept going until the audience had just about laughed itself out and there were no more chuckles or giggles to be had, just book signing.

Very good value at pretty much any price but how are the next generation of comedians going to learn their craft if theatres like Beggar's are dark most of the time, only selling tickets for household names?

Jonathan Brind
March 31, 2023