INDEX June 19, 2023
Hackers blocking Youtube (again) to try to hide blocking Twitter
Hackers preventing me from entering my Twitter account. Get this straight: these hackers are employed by the Government or a Government agency, and what they are doing is preventing the exchange of information. When I tried to upload the video to Youtube I got a red letter warning that the format was unreadable. Youtube could not handle it. But it could because this is the self same video uploaded by a Chromebook.
I videoed hackers preventing me from entering my Twitter account (see above). In this video you will see that when I tried to upload the Twitter blocking video to Youtube the hackers tried to stop me, explaining in the red message that my video could not be processed by Youtube. This was a stupid attempt to cover their tracks but it didn't work because they have tried the same trick several times before. I knew there was nothing wrong with the video but I had to use a Chromebook to get round the censorship of these evil people.
Jonathan Brind
June 19, 2023