INDEX July 31, 2023
Went to see the Birkrigg Stone Circle near Ulverston (well not all that near if you are walking) and I seem to have found it, probably.

The pictures look similar.

Met a Bhuddist nun who said she had been there once, but couldn't remember where it was. It's that sort of circle. Took ages tramping through the Birkrigg Common looking for it, and almost gave up.

The Bhuddists were having some sort of festival. They have a simply amazing temple near Ulverston in the grounds of what looks like a manor house, or maybe there is a Manor House in the grounds of the temple.

It's a wonderful building but the highlight of the day was probably scone, strawberry jam and cream at Chill & Grill.

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Jonathan Brind
July 31, 2023