August 29, 2023 INDEX
Don't give them your CV, it might be a state secret!

A generation ago those who understood the smoke and mirror world of the deception agencies, MI5 and MI6, were saying that the era of traditional spying had come to an end, if it ever existed. This was because it had become possible to find out almost anything you wanted to know through open sources like the internet, either through hacking or more usually simply by browsing.

Phillip Knightley in his book The Second Oldest Profession says: "the intelligence community knows that open published information and that obtained through traditional diplomatic and other overt contacts, have proved this century (20th) by far the most useful source of military, political and economic intelligence for both sides."

But running a spook agency is big business. There are offices with all the usual equipment, a vast army of employees, expense accounts, pensions and all the other accoutrements of a modern conglomerate. To just stop would be unthinkable, especially for those at the top relying on fat pensions.

The spooks have discovered that one of the best way to keep the cheques rolling in from their paymasters in government is the promulgation of fear.

The fear factor is so potent that they keep recycling it despite the fact that the warnings almost never result in court cases or any tangible activity.

The latest in this long line of fear peddling is the warning that CVs should not be sent to the Chinese. The reason for this is, apparently, that these could be used to deduce information of military significance to the wily Chinese.

I kid you not. If you don't believe me you can read this story: Chinese Spy Uses LinkedIn to Trick British Officials into Handing Over State Secrets

The article warns that those who sent CVs to a spy, may have exposed their work history. It would be interesting to find a CV that does not expose work history. It also says that those who accepted friend requests may have disclosed their network of colleagues and acquaintances. Er, well yes...

All this is childish and paranoid, but the spooks live in a childish and paranoid world and their major objective is to keep those cheques rolling in.
Jonathan Brind
August 27, 2023