December 25, 2023 INDEX
A plea for privacy

Transcript 0:02 hello my friends I'm just trying to 0:05 share 0:06 [Music] 0:07 some information which I have for many 0:12 many years about what our government 0:17 Security Services called MI5 does to 0:20 Muslim 0:21 people I'm talking about in a particular 0:25 case it's about 0:26 me I've been in this country for 23 0:29 years 0:30 years never been involved in criminal 0:33 activity on uh any kind of know this 0:37 stupid 0:40 things you 0:41 know I did everything right nothing 0:44 wrong I did never did wrong to 0:48 anyone yet our paranoid Security 0:51 Services for been 0:52 [Music] 0:54 almost for my 0:56 knowledge almost 22 years on they just 1:00 just won't leave you they won't leave 1:03 you that's just level of paranoia they 1:06 have 1:07 it so what's happening is every year the 1:11 security services provide a list of 1:13 highin people this according to the LBC 1:19 Radio interview I heard about the 1:21 security officer was talking and he said 1:24 every year they present to the home 1:25 office 1:26 Minister list of high interest people 1:31 and they once it's approved and the 1:33 money released and they just follow 1:36 these people and then you 1:38 know and 1:40 then I 1:42 believe I am the one of them in that 1:45 list for 23 years in this 1:50 country I never been called in police 1:53 station or never been interviewed in any 1:56 any way like Mr ranov we suspect you're 2:00 doing something wrong please can you 2:01 come and explain 2:04 yourself so far nothing happened 2:09 nothing 2:11 so the thing 2:13 is you think you live your life in a 2:16 free 2:17 country but that's 2:21 not they know certainly how to change 2:24 your life to the hell you 2:27 know you know for some people friends my 2:32 friends good friends they didn't believe 2:34 it but a few things happened later on 2:36 and they will witness that they 2:38 witnessed and they believe 2:41 that you know and I'm not interested in 2:43 the stupid people telling me you know 2:46 this is the paranoia you have you you 2:50 thinking too much about that blah blah 2:52 blah all this [ __ ] please forgive me 2:54 for my 2:55 language I'm not interested on this 2:57 perod people people are writing the you 3:01 know the living the feedback for 3:08 me for for 20 years or 23 years they 3:12 what they did they contacted back home 3:15 my country they search my 3:18 background they search actually they 3:21 didn't left any stone 3:24 unturned and they checked everything 3:27 thoroughly checked checked checked again 3:30 and then they find nothing absolutely 3:33 nothing you have a patience you think it 3:36 will go off everything in some point 3:38 that will 3:39 stop but 3:40 not it just gets escalates and it gets 3:44 worse over the years you see it gets 3:47 worse you know you think the police 3:50 supposed to be protecting you in this 3:53 case like you 3:55 know but no you go to the police station 3:58 like I went to the SL police station the 4:01 woman officer she just watched my face 4:04 soon she heard this word 4:07 fb5 she just right away said we can't 4:09 help you we can't do you anything you 4:12 can't walk away said she said I mean we 4:15 can't help you and the same thing 4:18 happened on a few other police 4:20 stations and uh thing 4:25 is once you you tell them you suspect 4:29 they will ask you question who you 4:31 suspect that following you you want say 4:34 you use the words 4:36 M5 that's it Bingo you're done they 4:40 won't do anything for you they won't 4:42 help you they 4:44 won't assist you with 4:49 anything you 4:52 know you living in a situation where 4:55 your car is tapped your house is tapped 5:00 they will listen they will see 5:03 everything in your house everything and 5:06 nothing will be hidden from them nothing 5:09 absolutely nothing trust me and I was 5:12 talking to the police officer in the 5:13 station I asked him well why is this he 5:16 said trust me they're not following you 5:18 there's a law and I think this policeman 5:20 lives in C land you know this Security 5:23 Service never ask any permission from 5:26 anyone they just come and once you go to 5:29 the work but you leave the house they 5:30 come and they put their stuff there how 5:33 do I know once you for 5:37 example you 5:39 say not that loud just in the house say 5:43 I'm going so and so and so no many 5:46 occasions many occasions you say I'm 5:48 going to to do that job in my friend's 5:51 house or evening time I went I'm going 5:53 to visit my friend and you visit there 5:56 once you come there they already there 5:58 sitting and waiting 6:00 once you 6:01 arrive they will drive straight away and 6:04 this is in many many occasions many 6:08 occasions I put some few videos in my 6:11 profile you can see it those people who 6:14 blind and deaf I can put more 6:17 videos for 6:19 them you 6:25 know I 6:28 just 6:30 don't understand the the the the 6:32 reasoning in their 6:35 brain like you got so many people in 6:39 government who involved in a dirty 6:42 things like this Ben Wallis defense 6:45 minister he was leaking the secret 6:47 documents to foreign power or home 6:50 office Minister was leaking behind the 6:53 was meeting the foreign powers behind 6:56 the 6:57 government and then 7:00 this woman in Parliament they find out 7:03 there was screaming LBC they find the 7:07 Spy woman in the parliament around year 7:09 ago something of years she works for 7:12 China of course you can't touch her you 7:16 can't touch her because you have you 7:19 know no power against the China but you 7:21 have the power against the people simple 7:23 people like me millions of 7:28 them 7:32 or it's so many things happen I just 7:35 just you know it 7:36 is it's 7:49 not the thing is I uh I contacted I did 7:55 write a letters to the investigation 7:57 tribunal uh 7:59 about My5 which they responsible for 8:02 that you know they'll come back to me 8:05 they said no interested and you can't 8:08 appeal or you can't write a letter you 8:10 can't do anything within a 5 years they 8:13 always denying 8:14 everything yeah they always denying 8:17 everything so in this case who am I 8:20 supposed to go who am I supposed to 8:23 speak and I'm not fancy of the putting 8:26 myself on the internet I respect other 8:29 people people that's their business but 8:31 I'm not kind of person to do that but 8:33 this is the level of the I would say 8:36 stress I came to I have to do 8:40 that because looks like these people 8:43 have no control and I'm not talking 8:45 about the MI5 people who 8:49 truly you know honestly doing their job 8:53 respect for 8:55 them I'm talking about the people there 8:59 and I assume these are the not uh High 9:03 position 9:05 people they are in a bit a think low 9:08 position and that's why these things 9:11 happening they just get away with 9:13 everything what they 9:15 do and imagine for 22 years they spent 9:19 so much money on following 9:21 me and 9:23 then 9:25 guess they can't find 9:28 anything they could not find single 9:31 thing to catch me they can't because I'm 9:34 not the kind of person and what's 9:37 happening 9:39 now if one day they will ask you where 9:42 is this all money 9:44 going what are you supposed to 9:48 do you have to brush under the carpet 9:51 everything is it just get rid of the 9:58 person 10:05 it just it just I think I think this too 10:08 complicated I 10:15 mean I called the police station I did 10:18 complain about that and then I went to I 10:21 managed to get uh crime reference number 10:25 once and then uh what's strange thing is 10:30 uh time after time I give them all the 10:33 car number plates the the cars following 10:37 me you 10:38 [Music] 10:41 know and 10:43 then I don't want 10:45 to say how do I 10:48 know the cars following 10:50 me you know don't want to say that this 10:53 is this 10:55 is you can guess it I guess 11:00 anyway and then I was Time After Time 11:04 supplying them with the number plates 11:07 you know and then uh few times 11:12 uh I 11:14 did not many times actually and then 11:18 after about 3 months I called him the 11:23 police station I did ask them what's 11:26 happening what is the thing on my case 11:29 like 11:30 uh is there any any 11:33 news the 11:34 police on the other side of the phone he 11:37 said to me your case has been uh like 11:41 that's it stopped is no evidence or 11:45 nothing I was just didn't I was Furious 11:49 you know I just don't understand how you 11:52 close the case I asked 11:54 him did you try to inform me they said 11:58 yeah we did tried to call you three 11:59 times which is big lie I have only one 12:02 mobile phone for 23 years I never 12:06 changed my number for 23 years I'm 12:09 carrying only one mobile 12:11 phone and then 12:14 they I asked him okay uh did you send me 12:20 the letter with your intention to 12:21 closing my case they said no 12:25 comment I checked it on the screen and 12:28 he said no comment 12:30 so it looks like they by the hand of the 12:35 this government organization MI5 they 12:40 close the case so the MI5 can do 12:43 anything 12:45 wanted and then I complained to the home 12:49 office no answer Justice Ministry no 12:52 answer and then uh I WR 12:56 it this Tribunal 12:59 investigatory tribunal again and is no 13:04 answer and then what's basically 13:07 happened is uh I complained to the Mopac 13:11 the police investigation team to the 13:14 about the police complaining about the 13:15 police investigation team to the major 13:18 of London they came back to me and so 13:21 and so so so and so so you you uh said 13:25 that you said that this number place 13:27 about there we checked it nothing 13:29 happened I said this is lie you didn't 13:31 check it there basically what's 13:33 happening is you tell the police number 13:35 plates of the car what they say they 13:38 will call the MI5 straight away say 13:40 these are the number places been 13:42 supplied what the MI5 do they telling 13:44 the owners of the vehicles just change 13:46 your vehicle or change the number plate 13:48 and that's it get rid of the vehicle so 13:51 you have no evidence okay this is this 13:55 is what's happening this is what they 13:56 did and they come back to me you have no 13:59 then I complain about the review to the 14:03 uh mop again and then 14:05 this and 14:08 then this was 14:11 a email to Ministry of Justice I'm okay 14:14 this one was on 14:17 26822 uh complete the form C 45606 2201 14:23 0 office 14:25 for okay anyway the the later on when I 14:30 complained about this review of the 14:31 police about my complaining of the 14:33 police I I received a letter on 10 on 14:40 11122 uh from Michael Casey uh police 14:44 complained reviewed 14:46 him uh saying based on in in information 14:50 that I have seen I consider that you do 14:53 have the right to have your complaint 14:57 reviewed and that Mopac is the relevant 15:00 review body for that review re reviews 15:04 normally taking up to 8 months to 15:07 complete but so far almost year and year 15:13 probably more than a year passed and 15:15 there's no answer from them no answer 15:19 okay and now I just feel like there is 15:23 no any other option other than putting 15:27 the video on the internet it because 15:30 previously I did record one more video 15:32 same complaining or the short video 15:34 about recorded myself and I put it there 15:37 on Tik Tok and then it's been 15:43 deleted basically they go into 15:46 everything in your phone in 15:49 everything you know I put the video you 15:53 can see over there 15:56 the device in my this car I find it 16:01 under the 16:03 dashboard and I put it there knowingly I 16:06 just put it there what do you think is 16:09 it you can see in the internet people 16:11 say this is blackbox and all this black 16:14 box has never been this size it comes 16:17 bigger size and I never have an 16:19 insurance with a black box 16:22 never so that's the stuff I put it on 16:27 the internet you can see over there this 16:30 is in my car yeah and then so many 16:34 things you know basically you 16:39 cannot 16:40 basically you you can't even move your 16:43 finger they already 16:46 know I mean there is no 16:50 privacy just because of 16:56 paranoia I'm not talking about the good 16:58 people in MI5 who working I'm talking 17:00 about the the some people over there 17:02 which I don't know I 17:07 mean these are the people who lost the 17:09 documents in MI5 recently is it when 17:12 there was a construction work they lost 17:14 the drawings for the for the 17:23 building 17:26 so I just leave you with 17:30 thoughts I 17:32 mean again is anybody thinks I'm 17:37 paranoid you just a little bit you know 17:41 you need to open your eyes and see more 17:42 than what you 17:45 see is not that 17:48 everything you know butter and bread 17:51 easily 17:53 everything if you want to see you will 17:55 see them how they work 17:59 every time you come home the car waiting 18:02 for you 18:04 outside or wherever you go you will see 18:07 within a 10 15 minute they will come and 18:12 park opposite of you or somewhere so 18:14 they can see you they will sit in the 18:18 car just like I put it in some videos 18:21 and this is only one or two videos there 18:23 is a thousands do you understand there 18:25 is a so many things like this happen 18:28 [Music] 18:29 you have to be stupid not to see that 18:32 you have to be very stupid not to or 18:34 blind not to see these 18:42 things 18:44 anyway just like the video and share it 18:47 with more people so I 18:53 think I 18:55 think they will probably 19:01 and it is happened they try to you know 19:04 did much more worse 19:09 things 19:12 anyway may God may God bless you all 19:15 thank you very much for listening sorry 19:17 about that taking long thank 19:19 you MI5 Terror B. Has
Jonathan Brind
December 25, 2023