INDEX January 21, 2024
I'm suffering dizzy spells
Got up late yesterday, a Parkrun day. So it was a problem. I had an appointment to keep. Parkrun starts at 9am, no delays. But when I got out of bed I literally staggered all over the room, knocking things over.

Collected myself enough to get downstairs and have a cup of coffee. I seemed to be better so I rushed out of the house to do the Parkrun, the 300th for Millom. All went pretty well, though my time for the 5km run was deplorable. I can't blame that on the dizziness since I felt fine by the time I got there. I am just too old and fat!

I went to Lancaster and found a vegan cafe where I had breakfast. Mooched about the town; buying a backpack; eating a cake at a rather nice cafe I like; and then having a beer or three at a pub where there is always live music on a Saturday.

Everything was back to normal until I got back home, watched some tv and went to bed. The dizziness returned while I was still lying down. It wasn't as bad as it had been in the morning, but it worried me so I switched bedrooms to see if it would be any better at the back of the house.

It was better but I was unsteady on my feet when I woke and got out of bed. Right now I have a ringing in my ears (or a headache). I have no idea what to do about this.
Spooks confess the Havana Syndrome is real
The Thing about Theremin
Spies: don't they make you sick!
And Spooks developing ever more powerful radio based spying
And In 2008 I was feeling ill in my flat but recovered when I left London
Jonathan Brind
January 21, 2024