INDEX April 01, 2024
April Fool: it was Stalin who did it!
Surprising amount of work going on to develop system responsible for Havana Syndrome Anyone on the look out for today's April Fool joke on the BBC wouldn't need to bother with the announcement on the Radio 4's Today Programme, that the BBC was considering launching a silent radio statio to be named Radio Nix. This may have been a joke but it was nothing like as funny as the BBC's Mid Day news report that the Kremlin was denying being responsible for the Havana Syndrome.

The cause of the Havana Syndrome was first established by Peter Wright, MI5's first scientific officer, more than 70 years ago. Wright, the author of the book Spycatcher, found that a beam of directed radio energy could activate a remote device that could be used to transmit audio recordings.

You probably believe that this is totally impossible and just more James Bond rubbish, yet you almost certainly have such a device in your pocket. Your credit card pays a bill when you "touch out" because it is activated by a directed radio beam. That's just how it works.

Even the White House, which for years had obfuscated about the technology in the childish way that authorities always do when it comes to spycraft, accepted what had been only too obvious a couple of years ago and started paying out compensation. See Spooks confess they are causing illness

The idea that this Kremlin could face questioning about what the Kremlin was doing when Stalin was in charge in 1945, is funny in a kind of black humour way.
Spooks confess the Havana Syndrome is real

See also Spies: don't they make you sick!
And The Thing about Theremin
Struck down by the Havana Syndrome.
Jonathan Brind
April 01, 2024