INDEX April 24, 2024
It's war, just like fireworks!
The UK is at war, or has taken warlike action against, Syria, Iran and Yemen. Most have seen these bursts of belligerance as plucky bulldog Britain re-staking its claim as one of the great world powers. It is treated like a firework display in a nearby park: there are occasional bangs and whistles but mostly nothing to worry about.

At the same time there is consternation about the refugees who attempt to reach our shores to escape from wars or famines (often caused by wars) in places like Syria and Yemen.

And MI5 finds that 75% if its caseload involves people who identify as Islamic.

There will almost certainly be incidents because MI5 is totally inept at dealing with these cases (even if it were capable of coping with so many) since the lone wolf terrorist is unpredictable. One fairly recent incident involved a terrorist who was not only on their radar but had served a prison sentence and was wearing a tag.

The spooks spend a lot of time, effort and money trying to psychologically profile people but as Shakespeare remarked "There's No Art To Find The Mind's Construction In The Face".

So it's time to grow up people and realise that actions have consequences. If Britain struts around the world like a punch drunk policeman there will be terrible retribution.
Jonathan Brind
April 24, 2024