INDEX May 14, 2024
MI5 chief apologises but as with all such apologies it is too little too late
SOURCES The Investigative Powers Tribunal is a curious beast that seems to exist mainly to justify the incredible incompetence of the spooks and do a bit of housekeeping (a bit like a personnel department) on the side.

But sometimes the seemingly pointless can surprise by actually doing something useful.

One example is the recent (a couple of days ago, I think) hearing of the spook who is alleged to have threatened his girlfriend/ partner with a machete.

This story has been rumbling around for a couple of years but mostly I have ignored it, because it is too much like the Boys Own stuff the spooks love to be associated with.

That changed when it became clear that despite the most grisly and despicable allegations (the story recently got into the Israeli press because apart from the spook confiding that he wanted to eat children the latest allegation to surface is anti semitism) the Government was still refusing to allow the BBC to reveal his name.

The IPT hearing is scheduled to be held in January and I hope to be there (if the public are allowed to attend). I doubt if they are.
see How evil does a spook need to be to get disowned?
Israeli National News May, 2024
MI5 agent ‘violent right wing extremist’ who wanted to kill Jews
Daily Mail May, 2024
MI5 has apologised to an abuse victim whose secret agent would-be cannibal ex-partner attacked her with a machete and sexually assaulted her.
Jonathan Brind
May 14, 2024