INDEX June 2, 2024
MI5 censors X post about Israel
Yesterday I went to Lancaster, something I do as often as I can on a Saturday. I have been quite ill for a few weeks, so I was worried about making the trip, but I felt fine. No problems.

Each week on a Saturday you will discover anything from a couple of dozen to perhaps 100 pro-Palestinian demonstrators in the market square. I find this embarrassing because I am doing nothing to support the Palestinian cause even though I am totally convinced that Israel is commiting genocide. The demonstrators make me feel guilty.

Way back when, the demonstrators just stayed in the market square but lately they have been marching around town. I think the police have forced them to do this, but I might be wrong.

Anyone who observes these things will by now have got the picture; clearly I am not the only one who knows the drill.

Yesterday when they left the square a guy got up with a pretty good public address system (believe me, those are rare) and started addressing us all (ie the public). He openly admitted links to the IDF, the force currently commiting genocide in Gaza, and said we were being fooled. As evidence for this he cited the iron dome, Israel's anti missile defence system. He pointed out that Israel wouldn't need it if the country wasn't under attack.

This is a bit contentious since the Israelis have a fondness for the pre-emptive strike. They like to get their revenge in early. Israel is a highly militarised state that has been on a war footing for much of its existence. Iron Dome is just the sort of thing a paranoid country (particularly one that has acted in a way that might lead others to make the attacks on it that seem to justify its paranoia) would do.

But on a more fundamental level Israel probably wouldn't need Iron Dome if it had not been constantly smiting the Palestinians for the last 75 years or so.

Now I don't blame Elon Musk for a second, not that I think he would give a rat's a.. what I think. So if it wasn't him, who could it have been?

Clearly all my computers have been hacked. Only the "intelligence" services could possibly have done this.

But for the most part my posts are ignored, even when I comment on Israel. So why today and why on X?

My guess is that the "intelligence" services, particularly the sloppy service MI5, are genuinely worried about free speech; particularly comments about Israel; and particularly anything to do with George Galloway and X. As the wicked witch of the west said to Dorothy: what a world, what a world.
Jonathan Brind
June 2, 2024