INDEX June 3, 2024
MI5 told to go back to traditional work?
A strange report from a publication called Ukraine Truth (or Pravda) pops up on the internet. Pravda is, of course, the veteran Russian publication.

It says that the Government has ordered MI5 to go back to its traditional work of combatting foreign spies and quotes the British Daily Telegraph as a source.

The Telegraph has a paywall so I am disinclined to view it. But what is odd about the report is that Britain is in the middle of an election campaign and it seems strange to announce such a major policy shift (there are precious few spies since almost all intelligence is gathered via the internet, or at a pinch during international conferences). An MI5 based on its success at finding foreign agents could comfortably site itself in a telephone box, if it could still find one of them.

Not only that, but it is Labour (see 40 shades of Gray?) who have announced a desire to split up the spooks into one section joining other legitimate police based operations clamping down on immigration and a second tracking down those illusive foreign spooks.

Perhaps the Ukrainians believe that Labour has already won the election?
Jonathan Brind
June 3, 2024