Lea Marshes

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Lea Bridge Conservation Area Appraisal   
2.2 Local Policies

Legislation and guidance has emphasised the importance of including firm Conservation Area policies in the Unitary Development Plan (UDP), which must in turn be based on a clear definition of what constitutes that "special architectural or historic interest" which warranted designation in the first place.

The Environmental Quality chapter of Hackney's Unitary Development Plan of 1995 contains Policies EQ11 to 15, concerning the designation and control of Conservation Areas. The justification to Policy EQ15 explains that the existing historic areas within the Borough fall roughly in four groups, and as staff resources permit, the Council will consider the designation of further Conservation Areas, and the amendment of boundaries to existing Conservation Areas. These groups are:

? Town centres and village cores: with buildings of varying age and type that will also include Georgian and Victorian ribbon development; for example, Dalston Lane and Broadway Market.

? Residential areas: especially areas characterised by villas - a particularly well developed Hackney building type.

? Open spaces and their settings: for example, London Fields and Stoke Newington Common.

? Industrial Heritage: for example, the Regent's Canal and Waterworks Lane, Lea Bridge.