Golf Course 2013/0505   
        LVRPA/LBWF backed down and submitted this planning application for the golf course three days after being pressurised to stop being so slippery.
But as with most LVRPA planning applications the process is shrouded in mystery. Apparently there are going to be four buildings like the the temporary toilet blocks we had during the Olympics. But where are they going to be and what are they going to be like? And there is going to be pony trekking. What does this mean and why does it require planning permission? If it's just ponies crossing the land then does LVRPA need to get planning permission for pony trekking on the rest of lea marshes? Or does it means yet more building on Metropolitan Open Land ?

New golf course application - 2013/0505

Application Registered 26-04-2013

Application Number 2013/0505
Site Address The Waterworks Nature Reserve and Golf Course Lammas Road off: Lea Bridge Road London, E10
Application Type: Full planning
Development Type: Not applicable
Proposal: Change of use of existing golf course to use for camping (including motor homes and touring caravans) with the erection of four ancillary temporary toilet and shower blocks and for pony trekking.
Current Status: REGISTERED
Applicant: Lee Valley Regional Park Authority
Wards: Lea Bridge
Location Co ordinates: Easting 536100 Northing 186966
Parishes: Leyton, E10
OS Mapsheet
Appeal Submitted?:No
Appeal Decision:
Case Officer / Tel: Stanley Lau 020 8496 6706
Division: Planning Team B
Planning Officer: Stanley Lau

     History & financial plan
Lea Marshes
Olympics camp site