Lea Marshes

 New Byelaws
Public Notice

On Thursday 25th August, the Hackney Gazette (p45) and Waltham Forest Guardian (p59) - presumably along with all other local media in the Lea Valley (and presumably also indeed all of Essex, Hertfordshire and Greater London where the LVRPA funding precept applies) - published the following Public Notice. The notice relates to the 2011 byelaws.

"Notice is hereby given that the Lee Valley Regional Park Authority intend, after the expiry of the period given below, to apply to the Secretary of State [which? DEFRA?] for confirmation of byelaws made by the Authority in respect of the use of the Parks [sic - unclear what this means] within the Authority's control.

"Copies of the byelaws will be kept at the offices of the Authority at Myddelton House, Bulls Cross, Enfield, Middlesex EN2 9HG, and will be open to inspection without payment on any weekday during the usual office hours for one calendar month from and after the date of this notice. Copies of the byelaws will also be supplied on receipt of an application accompanied by a fee of £10 for each copy.

"Any objection to the application for the confirmation of the byelaws may be made by letter addressed to: "Sponsorship, Landscape and Recreation Division, Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Zone 1/03, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, temple Quay, Bristol B51 6EB, within one calendar month from the publication date of this advertisement..

"When objections are received, copies will usually be forwarded to the byelaw-making authority for their comments before any decision is taken on whether the byelaws should be confirmed. Please indicate in your letter if you do not wish your objection to be made public."

S. Dawson.
Dated 22nd August 2011.
Proper Officer of the byelaw-making authority.