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From: "Mayor Pipe"
Date: 2 February 2012 16:16:55 GMT
Subject: Re: Leyton Marsh

Dear Mr Corby

Re: Leyton Marsh

Thank you for your email regarding the above matter, which was received in my office on 26th January 2012.

Firstly, I must apologise that the wording of my previous email may have been slightly misleading. Whilst it is true that Waltham Forest Council is the relevant planning authority and has the ultimate responsibility for this decision, Hackney Council did in fact submit its observations to them on 11th January 2012 as part of the formal planning process.

In its submission to Waltham Forest Council, Hackney Council's planning service noted a number of concerns about the appearance and effects of the proposed structure. However, the principal overriding factor in the consideration of this case was that this will be a strictly temporary structure, lasting less than eight months with the area due to be returned to its original grassland condition by 15th October 2012.

In light of this, Hackney Council's submission did not object to the ODA's application. It did, however, recommend that Waltham Forest impose conditions to reduce the potential effects on the local area and to ensure that the area is completely restored to its original condition after the Games. I have attached a copy of Hackney Council's observations for your reference.

With regard to your comment about the use of East Marsh during the Games, this will be a temporary key access point for coaches, taxis, cyclists, pedestrians and disabled visitors. It is important to note that unlike Leyton Marsh - for which Waltham Forest Council is the relevant planning authority - East Marsh falls within the Olympic Park and therefore the ODA itself was the planning authority responsible for approving this plan.

As part of the negotiations for the use of the site, however, Hackney Council secured a legally-binding commitment to return the East Marsh to sports use after the Games, plus a £1 million fund for improving green, open spaces and sports facilities in the east of the borough. This has helped to fund more than twenty separate improvement projects, some of which are already complete. The East Marsh pitches will be reinstated and ready for play for the start of the 2013 football season, and six new full sized pitches are being created on Mabley Green to meet demand in the meantime.

I hope that this information is useful in clarifying these matters.

Yours sincerely

Jules Pipe
Mayor of Hackney
Lea Marshes