The regional park authority byelaws make it clear that if there are designated routes (presumably Sandy Path, the Sustrans?) then horses are not allowed to wander across any piece of land, churning up the grass and turning it into a quagmire.
This sign (photographed in December 2009) is visible to all riders leaving the stables and heading towards the remainder of the marshes. It is difficult to work out how it could be interpreted as giving permission to ride anywhere at any time.
18. (1) Where any part of the Park has, by notices placed in
Conspicuous positions in the Park, been set apart by the
Authority as an area where horse-riding is permitted, no person
shall, without the consent of the Authority, ride a horse on any
other part of the Park.
(2) No person shall in the Park intentionally or negligently ride a
horse to the danger of any other person using the Park.
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