Lea Marshes   Basketball project

Natural England   
Thank you for your enquiry regarding the temporary basketball training venue on Leyton Marsh, which we are aware of. Natural England provided advice to the Planning Authority under Section 28i of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended), and concluded that the proposals would result in limited biodiversity impacts on the site itself, which is amenity grassland and will be restored; and that they would not have a detrimental effect on the nearby Walthamstow Marshes SSSI, which is unlikely to sustain significant increases in visitor pressure that would damage or disturb the interest features. I am the lead officer for the SSSI; I attended the site recently and I continue to be satisfied that this is the case.

As the proposal is for a temporary structure the potential impacts have been assessed as such, and this gives no indication of Natural England's views with regard to impacts on the SSSI if a permanent structure were to be proposed in the future.

I am sorry that I am not able to offer further assistance with Leyton Marsh at this time, but I hope this addresses your query.

Best wishes and kind regards,
Emily Dresner
Lead Adviser
Surrey, Berkshire and London Land Management Team
7th Floor
Hercules House
Hercules Road

0300 060 4764
07827 983 540
(27 April 2012)