Lea Marshes
Walthamstow Wetlands

The story on the BBC web site. (11/May/2011)
To See the full BBC story click this link.

A better version of this is available at this link.

As if it wasn't bad enough coping with the Olympics! Now a group of councils apparently wants a visitor centre on the reservoirs. Even if this could be done without damaging the wilderness it is supposed to promote (perhaps by using an existing waterworks building) it would still be a mad idea. There is already a visitor centre in Lea Bridge Road called the Waterworks Centre. Admitedly it is hardly ever used and is a complete white elephant, but it is there. The reservoirs are already available for use by groups like anglers. Whilst it would be nice to think the councils intended to spend the £10m tearing down fences, it's hard to believe it costs that much. More likely the money will go on adding fences and laying concrete paths. As Joni Mitchell says in Big Yellow Taxi: To see paradise put up a parking lot!

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