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1a John Brend or Brynde (W.R.C. 1337/6-7) from 1482 & 1497 naming Highworth, Eastrop etc.
Notes on documents relating to John Brend or Brynde

W.R.C. 1337/6
Quitclaim. William Fortey of Oxford, son and heir ofNicholas Fortey, quitclaimed absolutely for himself and hisheirs for ever to John Brend senior (no place of residence oroccupation given) and his heirs and assigns being in his/theirfull and peaceful possession all right, title etc., given atOxford aforesaid 28 Oct. 1482. The property quitclaimed isdescribed as lands and tenements with houses pastures andrights of pasturage and all other their appurtenances in thetown(ship)s and fields of Hanyndon Hyworth and Estrop co.Wilts. Witnesses named.

W.R.C. 1337/7
Grant. Walter Dawie (sic - elsewhere Dawlle) lately ofHanyngdon co. Wilts made grant to John Brynde of Southmerstonco. Wilts, husbandman, and his heirs and assigns for everpaying in respect thereof to the lords in chief of that fee therents and services due and accustomed, given at Hanyngdon afsd.24 May 1497. The property granted is described as a cottagewith garden adjacent situate in town(ship) of Hanyngdonaforesaid between the cottage of the said John Brynde on theeast, the highway on the west, and the ground late 'Wyltonys'on the north. Witnesses named.

Quitclaim. Walter Dawlle of Hanyngdon co. Wilts quitclaimedabsolutely for himself and his heirs to John Brynde ofSouthmerston co. Wilts (not here mentd. as husbandman), givenat Hanyngdon afsd. 31 May 1497. The property quitclaimed isdescribed similarly to that in grant but without mention ofland on north side.

Dr. Stephen W. Taylor B.A. Ph.D.

Historical Research Consultant and Genealogist

It is not: possible to state categorically that thetwo documents relate to the same person. The document of 1482mentioned John Brend senior while that of 1497 names JohnBrynde of Southmerston, husbandman, so they could be the sameperson but equally may not be!