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E115/ 58/ 78 Court of Exchequer Certificates of Residence

John Brinde of Wroughton, Hundred of Kyngesbridge, County of Wiltshire, husbandman, 30th August 1624 (mentions Hundred of Elstubb and Everlye Wroughton) Johes Brinde in bon [goods] iiili xs viiiid (£4 10s 8d)

Certificate of residence showing John Brind (or the variant surname: Brynde) to be liable for taxation in Wiltshire, and not in the hundred of Highworth, etc., Wiltshire, the previous area of tax liability. (Any information not given in this certificate comes from its old pouch, no 1802.) Date: 21 James
To the honourable the Lord Chief Baron and the rest of the Barons of the Kings Majesties court of Exchequer and to all High Collectors, Pebty?(short for Presbytery?), Collectors and to all others to whome in this cause they shall or may appertaine.

Know you that John Brinde of Wroughton in the hundreds of Kingsbridge in the County of Wilts, husbandman is found and assessed theare of his goods for the payment of one and entire subsodie lately graunted by the Act of Parliament in the 21st year of his Majesties Raigne and hath payed the same. Which thinge wee whose names are subscribed Comissioners amongst others appointed for the taxacon (taxation) of the same subsodie* whom the sayd County doe certifie *** you to the intent that the sayd John Brinde may not bee charged to paye for the same cause on any other place contrary to the statute but thereof be acquitted and discharged according as by law hee ought. In Witnesse whereof wee have hereunto sebt our hands and seales the thirtieth day of August in the yeares of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord James by the grace of God king of England and France and Ireland the one and twentieth and of Scotland the seven and sixtieth.
* A subsodie was a tax