Leonard Charles Brind
From the records of the International Committee of the Red Cross. See https://grandeguerre.icrc.org/en/List/3389373/698/32443/

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The top section (headings) appears to suggest this is a record of a camp called Bad Langensalza. According to a report I have borrowed from a forum (but not checked out):--
A busy town (pop. 17,600) containing cloth and cotton factories. The camp was opened in 1914, and consists of hutments, each holding 250 men. Capacity, 10,000. centre of numerous working commandos. American prisoners here. 11th Army Corps.
The camp was visited by the Americans and two of their reports are published as follows;
Miscellaneous No 16 (1916) Further Correspondence with the United States Ambassador respecting the Treatment of British Prisoners of War and Interned Civilians in Germany; Cd 8235
Miscellaneous No 26 (1916) Further Correspondence with the United States Ambassador respecting the Treatment of British Prisoners of War and Interned Civilians in Germany; Cd 8297
Prisoners registered there in October 1918;
French Officers 9
Postcard from the camp offered on Ebay but then withdrawn
French Men 12,213
Russian Officers 4
Russian Men 9,400
Belgian Men 186
English Officers 26
English Men 3,491
Serbian Men 6
Rumanian Men 106
Italian Officers 4
Italian Men 2,313
This photo was attached to the post and allegedly shows the camp.
Portuguese Officers 2
Portuguese Men 6
American Officers 6
American Men 27
Civilians 261
Right. German guards pose with their prisoners for this 1918 photographic postcard. British and French prisoners are present and a dog!. There appears to be a member of the Royal Army Medical Corps (R.A.M.C.) in the group. R.A.M.C. men were usually - but not always - repatriated. On the back of the card is a tri-angular camp cachet "Langensalza Lager". Source: https://www.worldwar1postcards.com/ww1-prisoners-of-war-postcards.php
This book appears to be a history of the Langensalza camp in the First World War https://books.google.pl/books?id=LkdyAwAAQBAJ&lpg=PT18&ots=xC8ZNpPIS2&dq=Langensalza%20Lager&pg=PP1#v=twopage&q&f=true